Women on Safari runs small group, women-only safaris in South Africa for those who share a love of nature, of biodiversity, and of culture. We create a safe space for you to be peaceful, to enjoy nature, to allow time to think and to reflect. We encourage and warmly invite women of any age and background to join us on one of our specially crafted safari journeys!


Whether it’s giraffes strolling through our camp, watching a cheetah stalk her prey, or sipping your early coffee whilst an orchestra of bird song fills the air, as the sun rises casting its fiery tentacles across the veld. Escape to a world where nature, wildlife, landscapes, art and culture take on deeper meaning and time stands still on one of our women only safaris…

Both Tukkies graduates! Sonja a former Springbok ironman triathlete now running her own adventure running/walking/cycling company. Alexandra worked as a conservation researcher in Namibia, then following 20 years as an international IT consultant returned to South Africa, conservation and tourism. Combined – plenty of friendship, learning, conservation and customer service experience.